Profile picture of Michael GroßklausMichael Großklaus

Color scheme

Collecting some frontend related notes, thoughts, bookmarks and tips.

  1. Probably the most popular way of organizing your components is Atomic Design which was introduced by Brad Frost. I recently talked to a client of mine who said that they were succesfully using this methodology in all their projects and that it works really well for them. We had a short discussion about it as I was using it for a little bit as well, but was realizing pretty quickly that it would just not work for me. One reason for that is the following example: let's say you have two atoms; a button and an icon. If a button could also have an icon included, you would include an atom in another atom. While you could of course do that, it simply feels wrong to me (there are also no atoms in atoms in the nature, are there?).
    That is just one example for why I came up with my own way of organizing my components. […]

  2. One reason frontend development never becomes boring is the fact that the available technologies evolve rapidly. Browser vendors publish new features every few weeks, which makes it hard to stay up-to-date. At the same time it also makes development much easier as as a lot of functionality gets introduced by the new browser versions. […]